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 Perm Information

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Female Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : ---
Interests : Staria Homes, Furcadia, Anime, Roleplay
Employed at : Staria Homes
Registration date : 2007-03-07

Perm Information Empty
PostSubject: Perm Information   Perm Information Icon_minitimeSun Sep 16, 2007 12:05 am

Perm Purchasing/Info
Wishing to buy or purchase a permanent house here at Staria Homes? Well, this topic contains information on perms and explains basic rules of perms.

In Staria Homes,
Perm homes cost $3 or 3 Golden Dragonscales a month.

Digo: expires whenever the digo expires.
Kitterwing- above expiration, three extra weeks after expiration date.
Ferian- above expiration, three extra weeks after expiration date.
Dragon- above expiration, an extra month after expiration date.
Phoenix- above expiration, an extra month after expiration date.
Gryffe- above expiration, an extra month after expiration date.
Foxen- above expiration, two extra weeks.
Triwings- above expiration, two extra weeks.
Batwings- above expiration, two extra weeks.
Classic Wings- above expiration, two extra weeks.
Butterfly Wings- above expiration, two extra weeks.
Prime Wings- above expiration, two extra weeks.

Portrait Space: expires in one year.
Silver Sponsership: expires whenever SS expires.

Dragonscales: expires in days depending on quantity.
Golden: Expires in weeks
Silver: Expires in days
We do not accept copper dragonscales.

Available Perms
Houses 1-12, 14-21
Gardens 1-5

Perm Owners
House 13: Katie Gensue
Staff Perm 1: Trivia & Bek
Staff Perm 2: Titanis Walleri
Staff Perm 3: Produce
Staff Perm 4: ..
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